Bold yet wise.

Expect the un-Aspected.

About Ryan & The Firm

Aspect Law Chambers LLC may be a young family & criminal law firm in Singapore, but do not judge a book by its cover. Our managing director (Ryan) is a family lawyer in Singapore who has honed his knowledge and expertise as an Associate Director at a well-known matrimonial firm.

More often than not, the best will leave the nest and Ryan is no exception. He had harboured the dream of setting up his own law practice so as to ensure that he is able to deliver his best to meet his clients’ needs without being tied down by the “red tapes” typically associated with bigger law firms. The dream led him to start Aspect Law Chambers LLC that serves as both a Family & Criminal Law Firm in Singapore.

Ryan started off his legal career training at international law firms honing his knowledge in all areas of law. Through time, Ryan discovered his passion for community law (i.e. Family and Criminal Law) where he realised his work would have a bigger impact on the lives of his clients as opposed to clients who are “entities” and/or “companies”. Thus, he started his own family law and criminal law firm in Singapore.

As time went by, Ryan focussed his career on both Family and Criminal Law after he was called to the Singapore Bar in 2015. Since then, Ryan rose through the ranks at his previous firm (a well-known matrimonial firm) becoming an Associate Director within a short span of 3 years. Needless to say, Ryan was the top litigator handling not only mediations but complex contested matters simultaneously. Ryan had conducted numerous contentious trials (involving contested divorces to personal protection order and domestic exclusion orders) and had emerged victorious in many of them. One notable case was Ryan’s winning of a High Court Appeal relating to the issue of a hotly contested shared care and control over a child.

Often endorsed by his clients as a lawyer that truly empathises, Ryan seeks to resolve cases amicably when possible. However, when faced with unreasonable circumstances, Ryan does not rest till justice is truly served. Ryan’s going the distance for clients is demonstrated by the fact that many of his ex-clients turn into his personal friends after the conclusion of their cases.

So, when you find yourself struggling to stay afloat in your matrimonial disputes, Aspect Law Chambers LLC are your first responders to pull you into safety.

Aspect Law Chambers LLC is here to fight the good fight, let us be in your corner.

Several notable cases that Ryan was lead-counsel in:

  • URS v URT [2019] SGFC 7
  • UVD v UVE [2019] SGFC 46
  • VFB v VFC [2020] SGFC 11
  • VIU v VIV [2020] SGFC 51
  • VPD v VPE [2021] SGFC 14
  • WAI v WAJ [2022] SGFC 18
  • WBC v WBD [2022] SGFC 23
  • WQG v WQF [2024] SGHCF 13
  • WVS v WVT [2024] SGHCF 17

URS v URT [2019] SGFC 7


Case involving the maintenance of children following a split care and control arrangement. This case highlights the real issues faced by parents where their children have been living separately from one another after the breakdown in relationship between themselves.


UVD v UVE [2019] SGFC 46


Aspect Law Chambers LLC successfully fought for the care and control of a child in a hotly contested divorce suit. This was a case where the other party appealed against the Judge’s decision made regarding care and control, access to the child, division of assets and maintenance for the child.


VFB v VFC [2020] SGFC 11


Highly contested case involving the care and control of a 4 year old child where the Husband appealed against the entirety of the lower court’s decision. Whenever the other party appeals, this only goes to show the positive outcome achieved by Aspect Law Chambers LLC.


VFB v VFC [2020] SGFC 11


Highly contested case involving the care and control of a 4 year old child where the Husband appealed against the entirety of the lower court’s decision. Whenever the other party appeals, this only goes to show the positive outcome achieved by Aspect Law Chambers LLC.


VIU v VIV [2020] SGFC 51


Aspect Law Chambers LLC achieved a favourable outcome involving a long marriage with 2 children. The other party appealed against the lower court’s decision pertaining to the issue of division of assets. Whenever the other party appeals, this only goes to show the positive outcome achieved by Aspect Law Chambers LLC.


VPD v VPE [2021] SGFC 14


Case where Aspect Law Chambers LLC fought for proper access for a husband that has been gatekept from his child by the ex-wife. Aspect Law Chambers LLC also successfully fended off the ex-wife’s application for backdated maintenance for the child.

WAI v WAJ [2022] SGFC 18


This is a case where Aspect Law Chambers LLC won the care and control of a 12 year old child for the husband against the ex-wife. The general consensus is that the mother would often or not win the care and control of her child, but through this case, it can be seen that with the right facts and the right lawyers, a father may win the care and control of his child. The ex-wife appealed against the lower court’s decision and fortunately, Aspect Law Chambers LLC successfully defended against the appeal as well.


WBC v WBD [2022] SGFC 23


This was a case that involved the variation of care and control order pursuant to a consent order made by the parties. This case highlights the potential dangers and pitfalls of entering into a consent order without proper consideration of the reality during and after divorce.