
Frequently Asked Questions
How common is divorce in Singapore?
According to the annual reports from the Ministry of Social and Family Development for the three consecutive years starting 2019, the rate of contested and uncontested divorce in Singapore have been high. More and more couples from varying economic statuses are applying for divorce and are succeeding in dissolving the marriage.
What are the common reasons for divorce in Singapore?
It is kind of surprising that the most common reasons for divorce are not the ones covered in the grounds for divorce in Singapore. Based on the annual report for 2021, the most common reason for divorce these days is that women have more economic freedom and do not need to endure an unhealthy relationship. This reason is followed by financial disagreement and infidelity (which is the only one of the three that falls on the grounds for divorce).
What are the common reasons for divorce in Singapore?
Based on the tally from both the Courts and the Ministry of Social and Family Development, it shows that most couples undergoing the Singapore divorce process are those who have been married between 5-10 years. This is perhaps due to the fact that the couple must have been married for 3 years before a divorce is allowed.
Is your reason for the divorce valid?
The validity of the divorce must be based on the grounds for divorce such as adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion and separation. You must also be married for at least three years to apply for a divorce.
What will happen to the children?
Some of the considerations for the children’s welfare include custody (who will make the decisions for them while they are of minor age), care and control (who will take care of them on daily basis), maintenance and access.
What Are you willing to support your wife after the divorce?
Whether the wife will get financial support from her husband after the divorce will be based on the court decision. Thus, you will need the support of a good divorce lawyer to help you attain the desirable result.
Can I file divorce for any kind of marriage in the Singapore court?
Couples who are married through the Registry of Marriage in Singapore are eligible to apply and undergo the Singapore divorce process. However, if you are married under the Muslim Law, you must apply your case to the Syariah Court for it to be processed and judged. Learn more about the coverage and limitations of the Singapore divorce process today.
What is the commonality among couples getting divorced in Singapore?
Based on the tally from both the Courts and the Ministry of Social and Family Development, it shows that most couples undergoing the Singapore divorce process are those who have been married between 5-10 years. This is perhaps due to the fact that the couple must have been married for 3 years before a divorce is allowed.
What assistance can one get when considering a divorce?
We understand that undergoing the Singapore divorce process can be straining for one’s mental and psychological health. Thus, before deciding on filling out a form for your divorce application, it is always recommended to get an intervention such as family counselling or legal counselling. There are many government agencies and NGOs islandwide that are offering such services.
How does one get to apply for uncontested divorce?
Uncontested divorce in Singapore offers a lot of convenience should both parties agree that the marriage must be dissolved. For one, the process for uncontested divorce is shorter than the contested one. Additionally, uncontested divorce costs less in most cases. However, you and your partner must agree with the divorce for it to be uncontested. Learn more about the difference between contested and uncontested divorce.